※ 필수 파일 
1. 닫힌 백업한 파일중 복원시킬 데이터 파일 or 열린 백업한 파일중 복원시킬 데이터 파일
2. 백업이후 생성된 아카이브 로그파일
3. 여기에는 열린 상태에서 복원하지만 데이터베이스를 마운트 상태에 두고 복구한 다음 오픈해도 된다.

SQL> create user test
  2  identified by test
  3  default tablespace users
  4  temporary tablespace temp
  5  quota unlimited on users;

User created.

SQL> grant connect, resource to test;

Grant succeeded.

SQL> connect test/test
SQL> create table test(
  2  t1 varchar2(10),
  3  t2 number
  4  );

Table created.

SQL> insert into test values ('test', 10);

1 row created.

SQL> select * from test;

T1                 T2
---------- ----------
test               10

SQL> commit;

Commit complete.

SQL> select count(*) from test;


SQL> connect / as sysdba
SQL> col table_name format a30
SQL> col tablespace_name format a30
SQL> col owner format a20
SQL> select table_name, tablespace_name, owner from dba_tables where owner = 'TEST';

TABLE_NAME                     TABLESPACE_NAME                OWNER
------------------------------ ------------------------------ --------------------
TEST                           USERS                          TEST

SQL> alter system checkpoint;

System altered.

SQL> alter system switch logfile;

System altered.

SQL> !rm /oracle/oradata/ora10g/users01.dbf

SQL> connect test/test
SQL> select * from test;
select * from test
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01116: error in opening database file 4
ORA-01110: data file 4: '/oracle/oradata/ora10g/users01.dbf'
ORA-27041: unable to open file
Linux Error: 2: No such file or directory
Additional information: 3

SQL> connect / as sysdba
SQL> col tablespace_name format a15
SQL> col name format a40
SQL> col error format a20  
SQL> select h.tablespace_name, d.name, h.error
  2  from v$datafile d, v$datafile_header h
  3  where d.file# = h.file#;

TABLESPACE_NAME NAME                                     ERROR
--------------- ---------------------------------------- --------------------
SYSTEM          /oracle/oradata/ora10g/system01.dbf
UNDOTBS1        /oracle/oradata/ora10g/undotbs01.dbf
SYSAUX          /oracle/oradata/ora10g/sysaux01.dbf
                /oracle/oradata/ora10g/users01.dbf       CANNOT OPEN FILE
EXAMPLE         /oracle/oradata/ora10g/example01.dbf

SQL> select d.file#, d.name, d.status, h.status     
  2  from v$datafile d, v$datafile_header h
  3  where d.file# = h.file#;

     FILE# NAME                                     STATUS  STATUS
---------- ---------------------------------------- ------- -------
         1 /oracle/oradata/ora10g/system01.dbf      SYSTEM  ONLINE
         2 /oracle/oradata/ora10g/undotbs01.dbf     ONLINE  ONLINE
         3 /oracle/oradata/ora10g/sysaux01.dbf      ONLINE  ONLINE
         4 /oracle/oradata/ora10g/users01.dbf       ONLINE  ONLINE
         5 /oracle/oradata/ora10g/example01.dbf     ONLINE  ONLINE

SQL> alter database datafile '/oracle/oradata/ora10g/users01.dbf' offline;

Database altered.

SQL> select d.file#, d.name, d.status, h.status  
  2  from v$datafile d, v$datafile_header h
  3  where d.file# = h.file#;

     FILE# NAME                                     STATUS  STATUS
---------- ---------------------------------------- ------- -------
         1 /oracle/oradata/ora10g/system01.dbf      SYSTEM  ONLINE
         2 /oracle/oradata/ora10g/undotbs01.dbf     ONLINE  ONLINE
         3 /oracle/oradata/ora10g/sysaux01.dbf      ONLINE  ONLINE
         4 /oracle/oradata/ora10g/users01.dbf       RECOVER OFFLINE
         5 /oracle/oradata/ora10g/example01.dbf     ONLINE  ONLINE

SQL> !cp /backup/close/ora10g/users01.dbf /oracle/oradata/ora10g
SQL> !cp /backup/open/ora10g/system01.dbf /oracle/oradata/ora10g/

SQL> recover datafile '/oracle/oradata/ora10g/users01.dbf'
ORA-00279: change 4194796 generated at 11/01/2006 11:05:15 needed for thread 1
ORA-00289: suggestion : /oracle/flash_recovery_area/ORA10G/archivelog/2006_11_17/o1_mf_1_121_%u_.arc
ORA-00280: change 4194796 for thread 1 is in sequence #121

ORA-00279: change 4196859 generated at 11/03/2006 17:00:47 needed for thread 1
ORA-00289: suggestion : /oracle/flash_recovery_area/ORA10G/archivelog/2006_11_17/o1_mf_1_122_%u_.arc
ORA-00280: change 4196859 for thread 1 is in sequence #122
ORA-00278: log file '/oracle/flash_recovery_area/ORA10G/archivelog/2006_11_03/o1_mf_1_121_2noxshkx_.arc' no longer
needed for this recovery


ORA-00279: change 5341444 generated at 11/16/2006 16:34:27 needed for thread 1
ORA-00289: suggestion : /oracle/flash_recovery_area/ORA10G/archivelog/2006_11_17/o1_mf_1_160_%u_.arc
ORA-00280: change 5341444 for thread 1 is in sequence #160
ORA-00278: log file '/oracle/flash_recovery_area/ORA10G/archivelog/2006_11_16/o1_mf_1_159_2or5447t_.arc' no longer
needed for this recovery

Log applied.
Media recovery complete.
SQL> alter database datafile '/oracle/oradata/ora10g/users01.dbf' online;

Database altered.

SQL> select d.file#, d.name, d.status, h.status 
  2  from v$datafile d, v$datafile_header h
  3  where d.file# = h.file#;

     FILE# NAME                                     STATUS  STATUS
---------- ---------------------------------------- ------- -------
         1 /oracle/oradata/ora10g/system01.dbf      SYSTEM  ONLINE
         2 /oracle/oradata/ora10g/undotbs01.dbf     ONLINE  ONLINE
         3 /oracle/oradata/ora10g/sysaux01.dbf      ONLINE  ONLINE
         4 /oracle/oradata/ora10g/users01.dbf       ONLINE  ONLINE
         5 /oracle/oradata/ora10g/example01.dbf     ONLINE  ONLINE

SQL> connect test/test
SQL> select * from test;

T1                 T2
---------- ----------
test               10